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"[A] stimulating and ... venerable online forum.... Brockman's formula is tried and tested."

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[IAN MCEWAN:] "The internet has created sites like John Brockman's wonderful edge.org, where it's possible for laymen to sit in on conversations between scientists. And when scientists have to address each other out of their specialisms they have to speak plain English, they have to abandon their jargons, and we're the beneficiaries of that."

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"The world's finest minds have responded with some of the most insightful, humbling, fascinating confessions and anecdotes, an intellectual treasure trove.... Best three or four hours of intense, enlightening reading you can do for the new year. Read it now."

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"The splendidly enlightened Edge website has rounded off each year of inter-disciplinary debate by asking its heavy-hitting contributors to answer one question. I strongly recommend a visit."

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"They are the intellectual elite, the brains the rest of us rely on to make sense of the universe and answer the big questions. But in a refreshing show of new year humility, the world's best thinkers have admitted that from time to time even they are forced to change their minds."

"Praised by everyone from The Guardian, Prospect magazine, Wired, The New York Times and BBC Radio 4, Edge is an online collective of deep thinkers. Their contributors aren't on the frontier, they are the frontier."

"He (Ian McEwan) loves the spirited playfulness evident in places such as John Brockman's celebrated website Edge, where 'neuroscientists might talk to mathematicians, biologists to computer-modeling experts,' and in an accessible, discipline-crossing language that lets us all eavesdrop."

"Edge.org... has established itself as a major force on the intellectual scene in the US and as required reading for humanities heads who want to keep up to speed with the latest in science and technology."

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"There is much in many of these brief essays to astonish, to be appalled at, to mull over or to wish for ... Most of them are vitally engaging to anyone with an ounce of interest in matters such as being or whatever."

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"The most rarefied of chatrooms, has its premises on www.edge.org. Eavesdropping is fun. Ian McEwan, one of the few novelists who has contributed to Edge's ongoing debates, suggests that the project is not so far removed from the 'old Enlightenment dream of a unified body of knowledge, when biologists and economists draw on each other's concepts and molecular biologists stray into the poorly defended territory of chemists and physicists.'"

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